So my dream started going with my mom to meet my cousins and our friend Jackie we were all hanging out at this school when my friend randomly sprinted past me being chased by some guy so I followed them and it led me to this group of really gruesome deformed elderly people with messed up faces and some of them were missing arms they started following me so I ran back to my mom and she didn't seem to notice the elderly people at all suddenly the scenery changed and I was in my grandparents apartment building and the elderly people were still following so I started running then I started to hear music coming from the apartments I was running past and the elderly people would start to sing along and try to get into those apartments it scared me so I kept going then I finally got to the exit but when I opened the door it opened into my stepmoms house and my mom suddenly showed up next to me. My step mom and mom acted like they were best friend which they aren't at all in real life so I was super confused and decided to go downstairs to find my step siblings I found my step brother and started talking to him and I asked him where his sister was and he said that she was in the smoke room. I asked him what the smoke room was and he responded with I know that she's trying and she only does it when she's stressed but I don't think she should be smoking anymore and then he proceeds to pull out a cigarette and lights it keep in mind he is 9 years old and his sister is 7 years. So I take him upstairs to my stepmom and tell her to look at her son and she ignores me and keeps talking so I yell at her to look at her son and she looks at him rolls her eyes and says so in like this really rude tone and then my step sister comes out into the balcony where the rest of us are and is speaking really cryptic something about flying before she climbs up onto the railing and jumps off the balcony to her death. I freak out that she just killed herself and nobody else cares eventually my mom grabs me and forces me to leave the house. Then I wake up.
This dream seems to be a representation of your fears and anxieties. The elderly deformed people chasing you could represent your fear of aging or the fear of losing your independence or freedom. The fact that your mom doesn't notice them could signify a lack of support or recognition from someone important to you in regards to your fears. The change in scenery to your grandparents' apartment building shows a shift towards a feeling of safety and familiarity. However, the presence of your stepmom and step-siblings in a place that should be associated with your grandparents and childhood memories could represent a feeling of intrusion or invasion. Your stepbrother smoking at such a young age could be a representation of your concerns for the well-being of those around you, especially younger family members. The suicide of your stepsister could be a manifestation of your fear of losing someone close to you and feeling alone in your grief. Your mother forcing you to leave the house could signify a need for distance or separation from a situation or emotions that feel overwhelming or difficult to handle.